Minkov Brothers is the only Bulgarian wine cellar distinguished with a gold medals from prestigious international competition Concours Mondial du Sauvignon

Mar 30, 2018

The version of the French competition Concours Mondial du Sauvignon, which was held in March 2018, brought back two gold medals for Bulgaria. The awarded wines are Le Photographe Sauvignon Blanc and Cycle Sauvignon Blanc, both by Minkov Brothers Wine Cellar. For a consecutive year, the wines from the cellar with the variety Sauvignon Blanc are the only Bulgarian wines, which were given the most prestigious award of the competition, famous for its high standards.

Over the last years Sauvignon Blanc has turned into one of the most famous and preferred varieties. Leaded by producers from the new world, the countries making wine from Europe are aiming to show the best Sauvignon Blanc qualities, which has been grown on their lands. The sort is a standard for freshness, style and modern taste. The jury of the competition Concours Mondial du Sauvignon combines wine specialists from all around the world and their opinion is of great importance for the wine industry because it gives a good idea of the style of the wine from this sort in other countries.

The two golden medals, which Le Photographe Sauvignon Blanc and Cycle Sauvignon Blanc received at the competition held in 2018, are proof that the Minkov Brothers produce elegant and modern line of wines from this sort and at the same time keep its aristocratic style of the European vision.

During Concours Mondial Sauvignon 2016, Cycle Sauvignon Blanc was distinguished with a gold medal – again the only medal for Bulgaria from this contest.
